

PVC price analysis in February

Since February, the export market of PVC in our country gradually tends to be stable after rising and falling, the export quantity increased compared with earlier period, specific performance is as follows.
Vinyl PVC export market: Recently, the mainstream export price of vinyl PVC in East China is $890- $920 / ton FOB level, some enterprises still maintain the status of external closure; North China ethylene method PVC mainstream export offer in $870- $900 / ton FOB, the current PVC plant in the region stable operation. At the same time, as the downstream wait-and-see sentiment increases, the number of local export enterprises to sign orders is relatively limited.
Calcium carbide PVC export market: Recently, the quotation range of calcium carbide PVC export in the northwest region is 830-870 USD/ton FOB. With the rising demand for external disk, the export transaction situation in the region is improving; The quotation of calcium carbide PVC export in North China is stable at FOB 850 USD/ton. The local PVC installation is in stable operation. Meanwhile, the contract signing situation of export enterprises is slightly improved compared with the previous period. The export quotation of calcium carbide PVC in the southwest region is 930-950 USD/ton CIF. At present, the trading atmosphere in the local PVC export market is a little dull.

Post time: Feb-17-2023